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Principal Investigator

Denver Brown, PhD.

Dr. Denver Brown is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Texas at San Antonio, with a joint appointment in Department of Kinesiology. He oversees the INCH Lab at UTSA. After graduating from the HonBScKin, MSc, and PhD programs in the Department of Kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, Denver went on to complete Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Mental Health and Physical Activity Research Centre at the University of Toronto and the Department of Family Medicine at McMaster University. In his spare time, Denver enjoys spending time with his son, playing hockey, trail running and road cycling. CV.

Graduate Students

Claire Groves, MA

Claire is a second year Ph.D student in psychology at UTSA after recently completing her M.A in psychology from Northern Arizona University. Her research interests include how movement behaviours (i.e., physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleep) influence both positive and negative aspects of mental health. As well as examining how different factors impact engagement in healthy behaviours. Outside of research, Claire enjoys running, playing soccer, and reading. She can be reached at

Carah Porter, BSc

Carah is a first year Ph.D student in Psychology at UTSA. She is a recent graduate of Ohio Northern University where she earned a BSc in Psychology. Her research interests include the intersections between physical activity and identity as well as factors that influence healthy movement behavior engagement. Carah’s favorite way to get active is by hiking or cycling. She can be reached at

Isabella Swafford, BS

Bella is a graduate from Texas Christian University where she earned a BS in Psychology and is currently working on her MS in Psychology at The University of Texas at San Antonio under the supervision of Dr. Denver Brown. Her research interests include athletes and mental health, specifically how types of athletic training days impact mood and stress. Bella’s favorite way to get active is by playing beach volleyball, doing yoga, or walking outside. She can be reached at

Bryce Summerville, BA

Bryce is currently a masters student in the psychology program at UTSA. He graduated with a BA in psychology from The University of Missouri-Kansas City. His research interests are motivation as it relates to physical activity and how being active affects our mental health. Outside of school, Bryce can found be at the gym, watching sports, or relaxing. He can be reached at

Christopher Huong, BS

Chris is a current masters student in the psychology program at UTSA. He graduated with a BS in psychology from Washington State University. His research interests are investigating the network structure of depressive symptomatology, and how different factors (e.g., physical activity levels) influence individual symptoms. Outside of the lab, Chris can found be at the gym, reading, or cooking. He can be reached at

Undergraduate Students