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  • NIH Office of Intramural Training and Education [YouTube] Webinars covering many aspects of graduate school, applications, and scientific careers.

  • American Psychological Association Professional Development: Becoming a Psychological Scientist [YouTube] Webinars covering all things applying to graduate school in psychology.

  • Is Graduate School for You? [Link] A graduate student’s advice on figuring out whether continuing education is for you and ways to go about researching career paths and graduate schools

  • Mitch’s Uncensored Advice for Applying to Graduate School in Clinical Psychology [PDF] “This brief guide is designed to provide an overview of different types of possible career options in the mental health industry, as well as specific information about the application process for a common option: the clinical psychology doctoral (Ph.D.) program”

  • Kisses of Death in the Graduate School Application Process [PDF] “A survey of psychology graduate admissions committee chairs revealed 5 categories of mistakes applicants make that diminish their probability of acceptance. We discuss 3 strategies that psychology departments can use to decrease the likelihood that students will commit these mistakes in their graduate school applications and provide suggestions that will help students avoid these mistakes.”

  • Navigating Academia [YouTube] Applying to and choosing graduate programs, suceeding in graduate school, and preparing for a career in academia.

  • Darren Lipomi [Youtube][Podcast] Applying to graduate school, suceeding as a graduate student and early career professor, mentorship, life inside academia.

  • Marginally Significant [Podcast] “Marginally Significant is a podcast discussing life in academia, issues with scientific research, and current events.”

  • The Psychology PhD [YouTube] Applying to graduate school in psychology.

  • Andy Stapleton [YouTube] Graduate school, productivity, the PhD, academia.

  • Life in academia [YouTube] “life in academia from graduate student to running a lab and everything in between. Topics include publishing, writing, reviewing, research strategy, rejections and success - and plenty of advice for doctoral students, postdocs, and early career researchers.”

  • Tom Mullaney [YouTube] “An insider’s look at how academia really works, by a first-generation college student, and a Professor of History of 14 years.”

  • Casey Fiesler [YouTube] “Mostly my videos are academic advice, academic life, and video essays about my research - tech ethics and fandom.”

  • Scientific Writing with Karen L. McKee [YouTube] Advice for scientific writing.

  • Scientific Writing School [YouTube] Advice for scientific writing.

  • Nature Careers: Working Scientist [Podcast] “Working Scientist is a regular free audio show featuring advice and information from global industry experts with a strong focus on supporting early career researchers working in academia and other sectors.”